January 2007
Drinking water frozen most mornings.
Going through more hay and more pig food than ever before. Hay is 3 times the price 5 yrs ago! Ouch!!.
Pigs needing extra attention isolated out of the herd.
New fencing and housing up for added grouping of animals. January feels like a medical month -many pigs with individual medical conditions require intensive nursing. Morton the pig died. Bingo the pig died. Edith the pig continues with highly unusual, spreading skin condition.
Horse fencing moved and they are happy in larger pasture.
Hubert the pig here for boarding -he bonds with 3 piglets.
Judy continues in recover from thumb injury. Still unable to do farm labor.
February 2007
Finances extremely low. Plea for help sent out. Judy is overcome with gratitude to all who helped! People do care and do love the sanctuary. Our work will continue!
Happy Chinese New Year! the year of the boar! People born this year are said to be honest, straightforward and patient.
New volunteers call to help.
College group for work party.
Gretchen and Dan drove up from Vancouver to celebrate Gretchen`s birthday at the sanctuary by volunteering! We are honored.
Numerous calls with pleas of help from a "sanctuary" in Marysville that is closing. Research reveals that this is an animal buyer who wants to downsize the population.
Heavy snowfall for a short 2 days. We are looking forward to spring!
Judy`s foot goes through rotted wood on front porch of house. Last year a dog`s foot went through in another spot on th same porch. Calls made to contractor to replace porch for the safety of all.
Visible tumor on Elmer the rooster plus his comb color changes indicate cardiac impairment. He is in good spirits with his hen girlfriends.
Many calls for our assist regarding a farm pig in need of a new home.
Roland the pig continues in specialized care due to his difficulty with eating due to tumor growths.
The large farm pig Joey Dickens continues in the yard for special care of his foot infection.
March 2007
Structural engineer here to start design of new education center. We are excited!
We must wait for a county permit to proceed with the rebuild. Contractor here to start on replacing rotted front porch. We can no longer put it off.
Three pigs to vet for required care. Farrier here for equine hoof care.
Urgent calls regarding a starving, large pig spotted running loose and getting into garbage. People threatening to shoot her. Will we help?
We organize rescue and safely save and secure the pig. We name her Willow. She is afraid of all human contact.
Oscar, the sanctuary`s first farm pig, is sick and requires emergency medical treatment. He is ok the next day and dead two days later. Judy is distraught with grief.
Call regarding cows needing help. Sue from Montana here to volunteer. Thanks Sue! Joey Dickens' foot infection continues to be unresponsive to treatment.
Elmer the rooster has increase frequent cardiac impairment. He continues as a happy fellow until the day he died from a heart attack.
Nathan Woods interviewed on Martha Norwalk`s radio show. Newsletter to printer! picked up and mailed! Sidecar For Pigs Peace and Judy Woods for the sanctuary in Seattle for VegFest.
April 2007
We receive a call regarding 6 pigs used as burn victims in medical research. We learn it is too late to rescue them.
Nathan Woods represents Pigs Peace Sanctuary on Martha Norwalk's radio show. Youth group calling to schedule summer work.
Quentin the dog unable to walk -extreme weakness in his rear end, with occasional vomiting. Frequent trips to the vet are inconclusive.
A specialist in for diagnostic workup reveals Quentin suffering from Myasthenia Gravis -very rare in dogs. Medication helps Quentin fully recover!
We turn our 'Newsletter room' into a 'Medical Clinic' surgery room and Ethel, our young 500 lb. farm pig is spayed at Pigs Peace Sanctuary.
Much needed horse trailer bought for animal transport. Western Animal Rights Network (WARN) organizes and hosts Concert for the Pigs at Western Wash. University. Five music groups donate their performances. Great fun!
Construction work continues on porch replacement. Judy to all day medical class for new knowledge to help the animals. Joey Dickens the pig is happy to rejoin the large herd after months in medical care for foot infection.
Judy featured guest on hour long Talk to Animals radio program. Numerous calls regarding chickens dumped and abandoned in Seattle.
June 2007
June starts with a work party the first weekend and the large job of mowing the pasture for the first time this summer.
Oliver, a four year old boy, had his birthday party in honor of the pigs -he visits with a bounty of treats for the animals.
Judy in communication with Woodland Park's rabbit rescue group. Judy visits a rabbit sanctuary for education re: housing and care. Call comes regarding tiny newborn piglet found on highway with wounds indicating eagle talons.
She comes to the sanctuary one week later. We name her Bunny. Pigs Peace Sanctuary has booth at Fremont street fair for the first time.
Many new people learn about the sanctuary and our work here.
Two calls in one month regarding peacocks needing rescue. Judy educates a pig owner who has a pig living in an apartment. Photographer to sanctuary for the day to photograph animals.
Invitations mailed for sanctuary vegan BBQ benefit dinner. The month ends with piglet Bunny extremely sick with pneumonia. Unresponsive to treatment. Judy fears she may not make it.
July 2007
Bunny the piglet's' illness responds to 4th antibiotic tried. She recovers. Rollen the pig died after a long battle with tumor growths.
Even while new tumors were developing, Rollen was up every day exploring, often till well after sunset. We will miss him. University of Washington student work party here for the day.
Calls come regarding a piglet intended for eating until his people had a change of heart. Judy assesses the pig. A castrated three month old male will face certain death if we don't take him.
His name is Vegan -we name him Oliver. He becomes an instant friend to Bunny the piglet.
Teen group to volunteer for 2 days. Farrier for horses. We continue to wait on building permit OK for education center rebuild. Call from California regarding 2 week old feral piglet.
Jedi the pig died and the next day is our vegan BBQ benefit dinner in Seattle. The rain did not dampen the spirits of those who love and support the sanctuary. We are grateful to all who came and all who helped.
Buddhist Lama Kunzang Dorjee from Bhutan visits the sanctuary with blessings for the animals. Rhoda the pig to vet for emergency care with injured eye.
She is then given intensive nursing care and follow-up appointments.
Sugar Crash, mobile vegan bakery on Capitol Hill in Seattle, has fundraiser for the sanctuary with music and amazing decadent desserts.
August 2007
Painting of partial new construction to begin. Construction of small pasture barns in field started. Rhoda the pig to vet for urgent eye care. Well consultation scheduled.
Packer the llama in acute medical care. New pig Angel here and to vet for spay. Greenlake walk for the pigs. Great success: $2,500 for sanctuary.
Bunny the piglet to Greenlake for the day to greet people. Call comes from people who find two pigs wandering in Echo Lake area.
Judy goes to assess pigs. Days later Judy and volunteer bring pigs to sanctuary. Both are castrated, tail docked male farm pigs.
Sara Russert has her birthday party and fundraiser for pigs at Pizza Pi in Seattle. Yeah, Sara -thank you for helping the animals!
Rhoda the pig dies from cardiac event. We will miss her.
Sanctuary tables at local pet fair to promote compassion for all animals. Volunteers to assess sanctuary cabins for solar power.
Pigs sleeping barn #3 finished by the end of the month. Peggy, manager of Sidecar for Pigs Peace, gives retirement notice
to board. Search for new manager begins.
September 2007
New pig sleeping barns painted and filled with fresh hay for new beds. Pigs are excited. Packer the llama continues to improve from acute medical condition, more tests completed.
Judy to Everett to protest animal cruelty and exploitation at Ringling Brothers Circus.
Fourteen loads of cedar chips delivered in one day! Seems like mountains of chips to move. Work party does amazing work! All chips down for pig walkways in winter.
Bunny the young farm pig spayed and requires confinement to recover. Construction completed on senior pigs' barn for added housing in the winter.
Doh Driver completes training and starts as new manager at Sidecar for Pigs Peace. We welcome her and we will all miss Peggy.
Peter our blind Pomeranian dog to vet with acute medical concerns. Tests reveal cardiac condition.
Calls to us from Hawaii regarding captured feral piglet in need of a safe home. We learn that pigs are openly hunted on all public and private land in all of Hawaii.
This little fellow will never survive. Plans started to get him safely to Pigs Peace. The story will continue next month!
October 2007
The month starts with the sanctuary's blind Pomeranian dog Peter to the Vet. He is an amazing old fellow. Calls come from woman with aggressive pig.
Calls come regarding piglet who was "new fun" until it had to be locked up all day and now it is destroying house! We help with placement.
Judy surrounded by 100 fiberglass pigs as she helps with Pike Place Market's Pigs on Parade gala dinner.
Pig abandoned in Central Washington saved from death with nowhere to go. We welcome Oliver and we take him to the vet. Herman, large growing Yorkshire pig, requires treatment for a facial wound.
We assist Rebecca McDow and transport large farm pig from a petting zoo to Vashon Island. He was bought for the petting zoo as spring piglet.
Now it's Fall and this friendly fellow is destined for slaughter. He is saved by animal
loving friends at Western Washington University. Judy talks with petting zoo staff and they agree to have visiting pigs as people greeters instead of buying piglets every spring to use as
farm friends and then killing them in the fall when no longer needed. This will save many pigs and educate many people.
November 2007
A busy month. We transport large Yorkshire pigs Anastasia & Belle to a new home on 20 acres in Montana. They are happy to explore their new home.
We will miss them. Two Farm (breed) type piglets found
wandering in the countryside north of Seattle. They are saved from certain death if we agree to help. Both pigs would stay together and join Belle & Anastasia in Montana.
Sadly, when Judy met these two, she knew they could not leave for Montana for a very long time.
Both were extremely sick, covered in dried and caked manure, with open sores on their bodies, infested with lice and worms, and coughing with pneumonia. They must have had a horrible life.
A sanctuary friend names them Judee & Tony. Young Tony is so
sick with pneumonia that he is in intensive care in the house within days of arrival to the sanctuary.
Work party combining two university groups, Western Washington (WARN) and University of Washington (CARE), help ready the sanctuary for the cold winter months.
Urgent call comes from a man who helped a woman move over the weekend and discovered a
piglet in a box in his van 2 days later! Starving & dehydrated, she was easy to place in the adoptive home of a family who has adopted a pig from us in the past.
Judy receives an unusual call from a pig farmer with a donatino of $500 to the sanctuary
if we would accept an injured newborn piglet. The call seemed like a hoax, but turned out to be authentic. Calls come re: pigs and turkeys needing homes. We help with referrals.
Month ends with Judee and Tony piglets extremely sick with pneumonia. We worry that
Tony may not survive. He does not eat, just lies immobile.
December 2007
Calls from Hawaii about a feral pig in need of sanctuary. Judy talks with the manager at the mill where the pigs' food is made. He is concerned about grain prices and supply.
The costs are higher than ever predicted with no end in sight. Calls come from people wanting piglets for Christmas presents.
We educate all re: why a pig or any animal is not a good present.
The month ends with pigs Judee & Tony completely recovered from pneumonia after being sick for over a month.
Sadly, the pneumonia has spread and 5 more pigs are being treated. Pigs Lizbeth and Ruby died.
Cedar chips put on pigs' walkways for winter wetness. Year-end inventory completed at pigs' store Sidecar for Pigs Peace.